Minggu, 17 Mei 2020

Learning English through Media

Learning English through Media

Learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. (Gage: 1984). Learning is a necessity that can not be avoided by all. Learning is successful when a person is able to repeat the material they have learned. Language is a crucial tool for communication. Any language is a gift, knowledge of more than one language makes us more efficient and skilled in many ways. As most people know, the first language is the mother tongue that we get from birth and the second language is English. English has been considered the first global Lingual Franca. It mean that English as the language of instruction or language of association in a place where there are speakers of different languages. 

The use of media to enhance learning complement traditional approaches to learning. Using media engaged students, helps retention of student knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter, and illustrates the relevance of many concepts. Branch said that effective media facilitates the construction and retention of knowledge and skills. Instructional media is intended to enrich the learning experience by using a variety of tangible objects to facilitate performance goals. This essay discusses about: First, excellence in learning English through media. Second, media that can be used in learning English and third why media can enhance learning.

Excellence in Learning English through Media

One reason for the use of instructional media is related to the benefits or advantages of instructional media for the success of teaching and learning in class.  One aspect that determines success in teaching and learning is the selection of appropriate learning media. Learning media has so many advantages or benefits including: more attracting attention so as to foster motivation to learn, teaching materials more clear meaning so that they can master the learner's goals well, learning methods can also be done with a variety of variations, students do more learning activities such as listening, observing, doing, demonstrating, and others. (Sudjana dan Rivai (1992;2)).

The media is used because it matches the level of thinking of students.  Starting from the level of concrete thinking towards abstract, starting from simple to complex thinking.  Because with the media of learning abstract things can be concrete, and complex things can be simplified. The use of media in learning has an impact with quite good learning outcomes.

Other advantages of the use of media itself are that it results in significant changes in student behavior, brings freshness and variety to student learning experiences, encourages meaningful use of subjects by involving imagination and active participation resulting in increased learning outcomes, and makes learning outcomes more meaningful  for various abilities of students.  So the use of this media has so many advantages that can change all our learning patterns or ways.

Media That Can be Used in Learning English

Learning media is very much.  So it is grouped into several types.  Grouping the types of learning media by Ashar (2011: 44-45) namely:
  1. Visual media is the type of media used that only relies on the senses vision for example print media such as books, journals, maps, pictures, and others so.
  2. Audio media is a type of media that is used only to rely on hearing only, for example tape recorders, and radios.
  3. Audio-visual media are films, videos, TV programs, and so on.  
  4. Multimedia is media that involves several types of media and equipment integratedly in a learning process or activity.

Based on the explanation above that learning media has several types, namely (a) visual media (b) audio media (c) audio media visual (d) multimedia and (e) relia media.  Each type of learning media had different forms and ways of presentation in audio learning visual. Media that can be used in learning English is very much as already mention in the types of media.

The use of instructional media if it is in a place where there are instructors then usually the media used is determined by the instructor but if we learn by ourselves then we can at will choose the media we will use for learning.

Why Media Can Enhance Learning

Learning media can enhance and direct the child’s attention so that it can lead to motivation to learn, more direct interaction between students and their environment, and the possibility of students to learn independently according to their abilities and interests. Instructional media enhances learning because using media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so that it can expedite and improve the process and learning outcomes.  

With learning media can provide a common experience to students about events in their environment, as well allows for direct interaction with the teacher, the community, and the environment for example through field trips.  Visit to a museum or zoo (Azhar Arsyad, 2007). Learning media can also overcome the limitations of the senses, space and time.  This is what makes students wherever there is media if there is learning will occur face to face.  This is why media can enhance learning.


Learning media has so many advantages or benefits including: more attracting attention so as to foster motivation to learn, teaching materials more clear meaning so that they can master the learner's goals well, learning methods can also be done with a variety of variations, students do more learning activities such as listening, observing, doing, demonstrating, and others. (Sudjana dan Rivai (1992;2)). 

Learning media has several types, namely (a) visual media (b) audio media (c) audio media visual (d) multimedia and (e) relia media.  Each type of learning media had different forms and ways of presentation in audio learning visual. Instructional media enhances learning because using media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so that it can expedite and improve the process and learning outcomes.  

Fungsi dan Manfaat Media Pembelajaran. Retrieved Mai 18, 2020, from Fluentu web site: http://gharheta.blogspot.com/2014/07/fungsi-dan-manfaat-media-pembelajaran.html?m=1

Penggunaan Media dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Retrieved Mai 18, 2020, from fluentu web site: https://osf.io/ewusx/download/?format=pdf

Manfaat Media dalam Pembelajara. Retrieved Mai 18, 2020, from fluentu web site: http://jurnal.uinsu.ac.id/index.php/axiom/article/viewFile/1778/1411 

Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Learning English Through Media

Learning English Through Media

  Learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. (Gage: 1984). Learning is a necessity that can not be avoided by all. Learning is successful when a person is able to repeat the material they have learned. Language is a vital tool for communication. Any language is a gift, knowledge of more than one language makes us more efficient and skilled in many ways. As most people know, the first language is the mother tongue that we get from birth and the second language is English. English has been considered the first global Lingual Franca. It mean that English as the language of instruction or language of association in a place where there are speakers of different languages. 

   The use of media to enhance learning complement traditional approaches to learning. Using media engaged students, helps retention of students knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter, and illustrates the relevance of many concepts. Branch said that effective media facilitates the construction and retention of knowledge and skills. Instructional media is intended to enrich the learning experience by using a variety of tangible objects to facilitate performance goals. 

  This essay discusses about: First, excellence in learning English through media. Second, media that can be used in learning English and third why media can enhance learning. 

Learning English through Media

Learning English through Media Learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. (Gage: 1984)....